Thursday, May 31, 2012

Finger Lakes Fridays

We Celebrated, We Commemorated

Last weekend our town held its biggest celebration of the year.....Memorial Day

Waterloo, NY is our nation's official "Birthplace of Memorial Day" and the people here really make a big deal about it.

there isnt much to our little village but once a year we all gather downtown for a parade and festival in the town square.

Each year, the theme of the day is "Celebrate, Commemorate".  There's plenty of fun stuff to see and do but there's also plenty of time set aside to honor those who sacrificed so much.

Celebrate, Commemorate was a fantastic way to spend the holiday weekend.  A little something for everyone, I suspect. 

Thanks for reading,

  jenny rosie

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let's Dance (The Post With No Pictures)

.....because, believe me, they wouldn't be pretty. 

So I now have this 14 month old baby girl who loves to sing and dance....a girl after my own ridiculous heart.  We were listening to Earth Wind and Fire in the car the other day and, while I was watching her bob her little head in the rear view mirror, an idea boogied its way into my little head. 

Most mommies would agree, finding time to exercise when you have a little one can be quite a challenge.  Oh I could rise at 5:00am and go for a jog. That's an awful big energy expenditure with so much of the day left.  I don't have much left at the end of the day either.  This issue has really stumped me but as my wise husband would say, "you gotta just work the problem, Jenny."

So I've been trying to be more active in the every day
-parking farther away from the store when I run an errand
-going to my children when they need help instead of calling them to me
-pulling the kids in the wagon around the block before bedtime
-going up and down the stairs twice every time I need to go upstairs

and now my latest brilliant scheme. 

Wondering where I'm going with this? 

At lunch time, I plan on putting the little sweet pea in her seat, setting her lunch in front of her, throwing some peppy tune on the CD player and cutting loose for 5-10 while she eats.  I'm killing like 6 birds with one stone.....
-keeping up on the activity
-entertaining my daughter, she thinks I'm'd be laughing too.
-letting off some of the accumulated morning steam
-injecting some pep in my mood
-putting a little more silly in my life
-oh and practicing up for the next wedding we get invited to that 6 birds, I lost count. 

While I bust my moves (careful to stay clear of any windows) my husband's wise words resonate though my mind.... 

...and by the way I was working the problem pretty good at lunchtime yesterday

there will be no pictures of this tom foolery for obvious reasons. it's 1999

Thanks for reading...

  jenny rosie

Friday, May 11, 2012

Have You Seen This One?

I saw this movie last year and just loved it.  It's a french film which requires a little more focus because of the subtitles.  Audrey Tautou plays the story's central character, Mathilde, a young french woman whose childhood sweetheart has gone off to fight in the great war.  Army records show that he was executed at the front for deliberately maiming himself so that he could be sent home.  He is presumed dead but she refuses to believe it.  A fantastic mystery unravels with twists at every turn and flashes between Mathilde's peaceful world and the miserable trenches at the front line.

I found myself totally swept away by the cinematography and was inspired by Tautou's character.  Charming and tenacious, she was determined to use any means to find out what really happened to her true love.   I fell in love with the understated tone, the gripping mystery and the wonderful characters. In addition, I'm a sucker for period films.

Jenny Rosie's unofficial, non rhyming or reasoning rating.....excellent!

Thanks for reading

  jenny rosie

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Baby Blues.....


Our Kids have big blue peepers.  I spend a great deal of time just staring into them.  It's like drinking a tall glass of the coolest, most soothing water. 

   jenny rosie